The above Yoseikan logo represents the famous Fuji Yama, at the foot of which the original dojo is located, in Shizuoka city. The red color represents the sun and the blue the river that flows in Shizuoka. These two colors also mean Ying and Yang, the two energies that regulate every martial art and philosophy.
The Circle also represents perfection (that is never attained since the point of the mountain breaks the circle);
The White of the mountain represents purity and solidarity;
The Blue Water represents flexibility and adaptability;
The Red/Orange color represents oxygen and happiness.
Although it is hard to give a proper interpretation of the name, below is a rough translation, together with the Chinese Pinyin version
The general meaning could be: proper teaching of the right fighting techniques and correct behavior. It symbolizes the righteousness of Samurai, and tends to the respect of self and others.
YOSEIKAN BUDO can be practiced by everyone in good physical condition, regardless of age. It brings strength, agility, tenacity, self-control, self-confidence and discipline. It emphasizes clear teaching methods and includes full-contact work.
Many of the people who join Yoseikan Budo are already highly ranked in some other form of martial art (Karate, Judo, etc...), but want to experience a more comprehensive technique. Some fervent followers of Chinese Wushu also join to try a less academic, more realistic and combative form. However, Yoseikan Budo is accessible to beginners too, and teaching methods are adapted to one's own physical abilities and expectations.
YOSEIKAN BUDO is a comprehensive martial art that spreads over various disciplines:
- Karate (forms)
- Kempo kick boxing (with protection gear)
- Kenjutsu (with foam-padded weapons)
Kempo Kenjutsu Kata
YOSEIKAN BUDO also includes techniques developed for women and for fitness:
To understand the concept and history; click NEXT!